Category Archives: New happenings around the Dojo

New Class Schedule for Adults Starting September 1!

We are so very happy that our already sizeable adult student population has grown so much! In order to provide for you the best training we have split the adult class Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings into beginner only and intermediate / advanced classes.

We are still offering you the same great deal, six days a week for all age groups and we even alternated the later night between groups to keep it fair for everyone!

The new class schedule, which starts September 1st, can be found by clicking here.

The kids schedule remains the same, only adults have changed on three days of the week.

I will update the schedule page in the upcoming weeks, but wanted to offer an advanced copy for those who like to plan ahead.

Congratulations to all students who passed their June exam

Everyone did a fantastic job yesterday, I see improvement in many aspects of our students ability to push themselves and survive through harsh conditions while learning how to successfully defend themselves. Beginners are advancing their skills and growing day by day.

Those that survived the advanced test, your hard work and dedication as you strive to prove that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to through the most stressful conditions makes me proud.

You are warriors.

Very few could endure what you put yourselves through yesterday and performed at the level which you did. Now try harder. Push yourselves further. Never be satisfied with your level of training. Better, stronger, faster. Proud but humble.

I am proud to be your instructor, each and every one of you. Keep up the great work and you can dominate anything that comes your way. Cutting Edge Kempo Karate forever.

Now get back on the mat.

(Click the images below for full size slideshow)

ALL NEW – Limited Edition Design Tie Dye T’s!

They are here!

Check out this awesome new design! These T-shirts are fantastic, and they are going fast. Don’t miss out on your opportunity to own one (or two, or three…) of these unique Cutting Edge Kempo Karate Tie Dyes. We will only be producing these shirts for a limited time, and once we are done this design will be retired so get a few today!

Only $25.00 for this limited edition T-shirt!

These newly designed T’s are acceptable to wear in class during the summer months and help keep you super cool while you are looking super cool!

Our regular school T-shirts and tank tops (also super cool) are always available as well!

Sensei Nick waving at parade

Wear those tie dye Cutting Edge Kempo Karate school T’s proudly, and thank you all for the support!

Now get back on the mat.

Come and march with us again!

We will be marching in the annual Holbrook Memorial Day Parade again this year, and we want you all to join us and show your School Spirit!

We will meet at the Dojo on Monday May 30th at 10:00 am, make sure you wear all your Cutting Edge Kempo Karate apparel proudly!!!

Memorial Day ParadeAfter assembling at the Dojo at 10:00 am, we take the time to snap a few photos and then walk down the street to the Holbrook plaza where the parade will begin around 10:30. We will march south down Main Street to Furrows Road West to Grundy Avenue South up to the Vietnam Memorial on the corner of Grundy and Terry Roads.The entire march is around 1.15 Miles and should take us about a half an hour to complete.

I would like to see students, moms and dads alike show their pride not only in school but in country as we march through the streets of our community. Lets all have some fun  family time together!

See everyone there!

Sensei Nick waving at parade

Also,don’t forget we will be closed for the Memorial Day weekend from Saturday the 28th through Monday the 30th and re-open for our regularly scheduled classes on the 31st!

2016 Holiday Closing Schedule

Summer Camp 2016


Summer Camp

Sign ups have begun!

This year our special guest instructor for summer camp will be our very own Sandan Kellie! Take this time to spend some memorable and fun moments with Sandan Kellie before she leaves for college at the end of the summer!


Our week long summer camp can’t be beat! Monday through Friday from 10:30 am to 1:00 pm, your kids will have the time of their lives, playing all the games our kids look forward to in class, learning new skills and techniques and having fun! All this for only $120! And if you bring a friend you get an extra $20 off our already low price!


And as an added bonus, we will even extend our bring a buddy discount to non students! Bring a friend and get $20 off our already low camp price!

If the first session fills, we will be happy to offer a second session. Spots for this camp are first come, first served and require a 50% deposit by July 1st to secure your spot.

See us at the front desk for all the information you need to get started today! Or call us at 631.585.6111 or send us an e-mail at info at or by clicking here to contact us!



A little schedule change

There will be a very small schedule change taking effect this coming Friday.

As of Friday May 6th the Brown Belt Young Adult class will be combining with the Green Belt Young adult Class at 4:30 PM.

That will make the Beginner Adult start time 5:35 PM on Friday evening!

See you all on the mat!

Click here to read the full schedule,or download a printable version!

Tournament Competitor Picture Day!

Save the date!

Saturday March 26th @ 4:15 PM

All tournament competitors meet at the Dojo, and bring your medals and trophies, be in uniform and bring a camera and we will take an awesome group photo of all of our fantastic competitors together in one shot!

For everyone’s convenience please use a piece of masking tape and a marker and write your name in an inconspicuous area of your trophy (if it is not personalized already) so we may set the trophies up for the shot, and know who to give the trophies back to at the end of the photo shoot!

The photo shoot shouldn’t take any longer than a half an hour or so, please be punctual and I look forward to seeing you all there! Great job everyone!

More successful testing in February

After a grueling three hour mental and physical exam, our second set of intermediate and advanced students endured and all did a fine job. These kids have been training most of their lives at this point, some for almost ten years now and it really shows, even when they are put under pressure.

After the more advanced group, another group of beginners came in to do their very best, and much like their advanced brothers from earlier, they killed it! I see lots of potential in these beginning students, both young and ‘young at heart’.

Great job everyone, I am very proud to be your instructor.

Now get back on the mat.


We are proud to announce our College Scholarship Award!

We are so very happy to announce that we have rolled out our College scholarship program. This is something I myself have wanted to do for our students for such a long time now, and I am proud to be able to offer any help I can to our dedicated students as they embark on a new leg of their journey in life. Our Martial Arts training is so much more than punching and kicking, and those of you who have been part of the Kempo family for some time now understand that we work hand in hand with all our family members in any capacity to offer guidance in the Martial Arts, school work, peer interaction, bully prevention, home life and anywhere else the individual needs help or advice or even just a neutral listening ear to bounce thoughts and feelings off of, we are always here. It seems appropriate that we try to help those that have dedicated many years of their life to the Martial Arts as they move forward, in the hopes that what we have offered will assist them along the way. The respect of treating each other the way we wish to be treated, the discipline of doing the things we have to do and not giving in to the enormous amounts of peer pressure we are surrounded by and the self control to think before we speak and not to react emotionally even in the heat of the moment, as well as knowing no one is allowed to touch you without your express permission and the ability to neutralize anyone who breaks that rule are the qualities that make a Martial Artist.

What we do is not a sport. What we do is not an activity. What we do is who we are.

Now when you are preparing for college, we want to be there for you as well so be sure to check out the Cutting Edge Kempo Karate College Scholarship page by clicking here and get all the details you need to apply today.

Also, since we are rolling out our new scholarship program late in the year, we will be extending our application deadline date this year only to May 31st 2016.

Thank you all for your dedication and hard work in the Martial Arts and beyond!

We are open – be careful on the roads

So the roads don’t seem too bad out there, so classes are on for tonight. PLEASE BE CAREFUL!!!! Use common sense, exercise caution, leave plenty of time to get to class and DO NOT RUSH and by all means if you feel unsafe TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS and stay home, there will be plenty of other classes.

We are open