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Warriors… Every one.

I would say “there are no words” to explain the raw emotion that comes with an experience like a true Black Belt exam, but there are many words. I will hold myself to one.


Every one.

NO ONE could deny you that moniker. Years of hard training. Monumental amounts of physical and emotional growth. Insurmountable physical tests of endurance and mental fortitude. Most people would ask you “why would you go through all that for a belt?!?” And we would be hard pressed to be able to explain that it has nothing to do with a belt. They wouldn’t get it. We do.

Proud does not scratch the surface of how I feel. I hope you four men feel the same.

Along with promoting two men to the highest rank awarded to date in Cutting Edge Kempo, we have two gentlemen who persevered through their test to first rank; BIG congrats to Probationary Shodans Christopher and Greg!! And for Yandan; Matt and Josh could not have represented our system and values any better.

One final BIG step!!! In our system when you have taught someone from White belt through to Shodan, your first title is earned. Shodan Christopher not only proudly dominated his way through this exam but he earned Yandan Josh and Sandan Steve the title of Sensei. (Unfortunately Sandan Steve could not free up his schedule to come to the ceremony, so I could not award it to him today) And for his selfless dedication to the betterment of all brothers and sisters around him, Yandan Matt will from this day forward be Senpai. It has and will continue to be my honor to share all I know and will learn with you. Thank you all.

Now get back on the mat.

More new products for the Holiday season!

More NEW PRODUCTS for the Holidays?!? You betcha!!!
🎁🎁🎁These’ll make great gifts for the whole family!!!🎁🎁🎁
Pull over black hoodie, no drawstring and a silk-screened logo!
Pre-orders are being taken through December 5th!
See me at the front desk to pre-order yours today!
***Please Note that this is a mock up. The Design on the back will appear without the white background, and the School Dragon will be white, so it pops!***

^^^ Child Sizes ^^^ Click to enlarge
^^^ Adult Sizes ^^^ (*Minimal extra charge for sizes above Adult XL)
Click to enlarge