Congratulations to all our newest advanced ranks!

Everyone who trains with me knows that we hold our advanced tests but a few times a year. Our students work hard to advance and progress in their training. Our higher ranks are held in great regard and the amount of time in training, both mentally and physically, should be applauded.

Not everyone can do this.

MANY people quit, even with our guidance and support.

Here at Cutting Edge Kempo you will earn, not receive. You will pass, not be promoted. You will become better, stronger and faster. As your body hardens, so shall your resolve. As your spirit grows, so shall your will to persevere. Life is not about winning at everything you do, life is hard and mean and uncaring. With a proper Martial Arts background you can face ANYTHING that comes your way in REAL LIFE! Not only will you be able to face life’s trials head on, you will do it with integrity and you will forge on knowing that all experiences, even those that are the farthest from positive, are learning experiences that help you to become the individual that you are. Life is a learning experience.

Train for life, because life is training.

I am so very proud of all of our students who persevered and showed their true spirit and heart in yesterday’s exam. You should all be proud of yourselves; although your bodies are hurting today, your spirit is stronger. Your bumps and bruises are your trophies. Wear them with pride.

This was one of our largest advanced tests in quite some time, and these people are true warriors.

A huge congratulations to:

Bradley, Black Belt Candidate, time in training = 8 Years

Nick, Black Belt Candidate, time in training = 9 Years

Tyler, Brown Stripe, time in training = 6 Years

Mike, Brown Stripe, time in training = 6 Years

Anne, Brown Stripe, time in training = 6 Years

John, Brown Belt, time in training = 8 Years

Gene, Brown Belt, time in training = 4 Years

Abhinav, Brown Belt, time in training = 3 Years

I will add more pictures when I get them. Great job everyone.

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