Join us for a FREE anti bullying seminar

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Come on down to 975 Main Street in Holbrook on Sunday November 18th at 2:30 PM, BRING A FRIEND and get the world’s first look at

Cutting Edge Kindness - More than just an "Anti-Bullying" program

As many of our current students and parents already know, I have been working studiously with world renowned psychologists, motivational, and educational speakers in order to hone my skills working with those who struggle with being bullied. There is no “one size fits all” answer to the issues facing our children, but there are skills and techniques that you can practice, which will teach you how to be mentally RESILIENT and IN CONTROL of your own self-image and emotions and therefore STOP MEAN PEOPLE DEAD IN THEIR TRACKS! 

That’s where Cutting Edge Kindness comes in!

Our approach with Cutting Edge Kindness is to deal with the moments, months, weeks, days BEFORE a physical confrontation occurs. And the benefits go far beyond stopping the mean, hateful people in your life…the world can be a better place if we all use these skills as often as we can.

We can end the torment that so many of today’s youth suffers through, without violence. We can learn to be STRONG yet KIND without being weak, and lead by example. Cutting Edge Kindness is an adjunct to our Cutting Edge Kempo Karate program, where we speak about and promote all these ideas while focusing mainly on the physical attributes of resilience, practicing self defense techniques, and getting our bodies in better shape. Although these physical techniques are a large part of our curriculum, I have come to notice that there could be MORE.

That is why I began mentoring under people who are already out there making a difference by teaching and demonstrating psychological techniques to help people remain strong in the face of adversity. By combining the physical strengths our students presently gain through their training at Cutting Edge Kempo Karate with the proven psychological techniques that I have learned from my mentors, I am building so much more than an anti-bullying program. I am proud to introduce Cutting Edge Kindness, currently in its infancy, a program designed to let everyone of all ages know that they can persevere. They can survive. They can





Join us for a sneak peak of our upcoming program and engage in this FREE motivational speech and see how well these skills can be applied in this fun, interactive event. Sign up spots are limited, so click the link below to get on the list for our first event, which is FREE to everyone in the surrounding communities, and open to all ages!

More to come…stay tuned.

Click here to sign up

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