Shihan Nick
5th Degree Godan
After a long period of training in traditional Ryu Kyu Kempo as taught by Taika Seiyu Oyata, Shihan Nick began his training with Grandmaster Rich Fescina in 1994. He currently trains in and teaches Pekiti-Tirsia using the A.P.A.C method as taught by Tuhon Mike Popolizio as well as traditional Ju Jitsu, and has an extensive background in Ed Parker’s Kenpo, as well as continuously furthering himself in Kempo. Click here to read more.
Sensei Josh
4th Degree Yandan
Sensei Josh has trained at Holbrook Kempo since 2002. His Karate training has culminated in him being our primary Chinese Broad Sword instructor. Sensei Josh trains diligently under the direct guidance of Shihan Nick Owczarek and applies all the methods of Martial Arts to every aspect of his life.
Sensei Steve
3rd Degree Sandan
Sensei Steve began his training in Holbrook Kempo back in 2000. Since then he has worked studiously to attain the rank of third degree Black Belt and continues to train under the direct guidance of Shihan Nick Owczarek. Sensei Steve teaches both children and adults with the same dedication he puts into his own training.
Shodan Greg
1st Degree Shodan
Shodan Greg has been training studiously at Cutting Edge Kempo since 2016. He strives to share everything he knows with everyone around him. An outstanding citizen as well as a great example to his peers that hard work, dedication and a never surrender attitude pays off in ways that can never be taken from you.
Senpai Matt
4th Degree Yandan
Senpai Matt is an invaluable member of our family. He selflessly gives of himself every moment he is on the mat, and those moments are many. Through his decades of training he never tires in his journey to self improvement and to the betterment of all around him. This is why he is our Senpai; Senior / Mentor.
Mr. Ryan
3rd Brown – Black Belt Candidate
Mr. Ryan has dedicated many years to his training and endeavors to advance his training through sharing his years of experience with our young adult student base, while driving forward in his own personal trials.
Ms. Samantha
3rd Brown – Black Belt Candidate
Ms. Samantha has been diligently studying Kempo since 2013. As she stands on the precipice of lifetime achievement she enjoys sharing her knowledge with her peers as well as our younger generations of upstanding citizens.