Tag Archives: karate

Thank you everyone and happy holidays!

I wanted to take the time to say thank you for the outpouring of cards, gifts and well wishes! You all are far too generous. I also wanted to thank those of you that made it to our Holiday party this year, the kids had a blast, as always! It is always so wonderful to see the kids running and laughing and enjoying time together. Thank you to all my awesome instructors and assistants for all that you do, both on the mat and off! It is an incredibly proud part of my life to watch you all learn and grow.

It was great having Grandmaster Rich Fescina back in the Dojo again, I am glad he could find the time to drop in and visit. (Rumor has it he will be coming in to teach a class or two in the future!)

2016 has been a good year, and I feel blessed that you all are a part of our Kempo family. I wish everyone the happiest holiday season, and all the best for 2017! I can’t wait to see you all on the mat next week!