Tag Archives: Martial Arts training

Advanced Kajukenbo Seminar Featuring Grandmaster Rick Kingi




Kingi’s Kajukenbo

Great news! On Saturday October 7th, Grandmaster Rick Kingi will be doing a seminar teaching advanced Kajukenbo techniques. Don’t miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity to work with one of the old school practitioners.

 Space is limited so sign up now at the front desk, only $40.

Adults Green Belt and Above.

Kids 14+ Years Old Brown Belt and above.

The seminar will be held 4:00 pm on Sat Oct 7th @ Kempo Martial Arts of Levittown
74 Gardiners Ave Levittown 11756

***Please note that seminars are formal events and require FULL UNIFORM to attend, if you show up in a T shirt, you will be drawn and quartered and left for the hounds. Just kidding! (maybe) No really don’t forget your Gi. ***

Enjoy your holiday responsibly

We will be closed for the Holiday on Tuesday July Fourth. Please be safe and exercise common sense and caution during your celebration of our independence.

And then on Wednesday the fifth…get back on the mat.

Bring in a buddy week has arrived!

Remember when you first said “I never knew Karate could be this FUN!“? Well let’s share our love for Cutting Edge Kempo Karate with all our friends during our:

Bring a Buddy Week!

Mark your calendar because from Monday July 10th through Friday July 14th we invite you to bring your friends in to participate in class! Help your friends learn all the Karate that has helped you become better, stronger and faster! When they see how much fun you have learning valuable skills and lessons, we are sure your friends will love the class. Bring them in with you all week if you like, just please come in a few minutes early so that your friend’s parents or guardian can fill out paperwork.

Lets bring all the Kempo love to everyone we know during bring a buddy week at Cutting Edge Kempo Karate!

2017 Tournament Photo Day

Save the date!

Sunday May 7th @ 2:00 PM

All tournament competitors meet at the Dojo, and bring your medals and trophies, be in uniform and bring a camera and we will take an awesome group photo of all of our fantastic competitors together in one shot!

For everyone’s convenience please use a piece of masking tape and a marker and write your name in an inconspicuous area of your trophy (if it is not personalized already) so we may set the trophies up for the shot, and know who to give the trophies back to at the end of the photo shoot!

The photo shoot shouldn’t take any longer than a half an hour or so, please be punctual and I look forward to seeing you all there! Great job everyone!

2016 Tournament Competitors

Tournament practice class

Need one more class to get yourself ready for the tournament on Sunday?

This Saturday we will hold two extra classes for all those who need a little “brushing up”.

Saturday April 29th from 6:30 pm to 7:15 pm we we will be practicing forms and self defense (please bring your uke) and from 7:15 pm to 8:00 pm we will spar using tournament rules. There is no charge for this class, lets get ready to represent and…

…get back on the mat.

April 1st marks the begining of T-Shirt season!

Spring has sprung at Cutting Edge Kempo Karate!

Starting today you are welcome to wear any of our SCHOOL T-SHIRT designs in lieu of your Gi top! Last years limited edition design? Absolutely! Standard school T design? Of course! New bedazzled design? No problem! Can I still wear my Gi top all the time like Shihan? Without a doubt!

Please be aware that the rule is school t-shirts only, if you show up to class in a regular t-shirt, and you do not have a Gi top to wear, you will be asked to come to class another day.

P.S.- A little bird told me there is an all new limited edition design on the way… 😉

We will be closed due to the snow…

Tuesday March 14, 2017. Check back for updates to see if the roads have been made safe by Wednesday evening… Please stay inside and don’t go out on to the roads unless you absolutely have to.

Stay safe everyone, and enjoy your shoveling, and drink an extra cup of hot cocoa for me!!!!