Tag Archives: perseverance

Join us for the Parade / Closed for the weekend



It’s that time of year again! (Hopefully mother nature is kind to us this year) Time to show your school spirit and march with us in the Holbrook Memorial Day Parade! Wear your dojo t shirts and meet us at the dojo by 10 am on Monday May 28, from there we will walk down to Holbrook Plaza (Momma’s Restaurant) to meet with the parade coordinator.

We will march south along Main Street to the corner of Furrows Road, west on Furrows Road to Grundy Avenue, and then south on Grundy Avenue to the Holbrook Vietnam Monument on the corner of Grundy and Terry Road where there will be a brief remembrance ceremony.  The parade of march is approximately 1.15 miles and takes approximately 25-30 minutes.  The ceremony begins at approximately 11:30 a.m.

And last but not least we will be not only unveiling our ANNUAL LIMITED EDITION T SHIRT DESIGN, we will be giving one away for FREE to one lucky parade participant! Get there early and get your chance to WIN ONE OF THESE AWESOME T SHIRTS, and get ’em while they last – because when they are gone, they are gone for good!

We look forward to seeing you all there for the parade and thank you in advance for your continued support!

An answer to a popular question…

Many of you have asked, “What is the meaning of the Kanji on our under rank certificates?” Well, just about everyone knows the kanji for Fist law, China (empty) hand method; Ch’uan Fa (Kempo) Karate, but many people have inquired about the writing in the border of our certificates.

A poem by the father of modern Karate, the founder of Shotokan Karate-Do; Gichin Funakoshi entitled “Karate-Do”, and in it he references the Taoist principle of “The Way”, something that has always intrigued me.

So here it is, with it’s English translation, enjoy!

Only one way to pass it on straight and well ladies and  gentlemen….

Get back on the mat.

To My Faithful Students, Senior Grandmaster Rick Kingi, and Grandmaster Rich Fescina

First and foremost; For those of you that came and represented Cutting Edge Kempo Karate and had the honor to train with Senior Grandmaster Rick Kingi, thank you. Thank you not only for upholding the standards of true Martial Artists with your never ending want to learn and expand your knowledge, but thank you for your dedication to our art , your level of training, and your respect for Senior Grandmaster’s time and efforts. Thank you for inspiring me to continually strive for the best; you are all my inspiration, and you all make me proud to be given the privilege of sharing what I learn. I am so very honored that Senior Grandmaster got a chance to see what we here at Cutting Edge Kempo Karate are all about, and your performance of SGM Kingi’s forms was second to none. I applaud you all.

Senior Grandmaster Rick Kingi; Once again thank you for your time and guidance on my journey through this life of a Martial Artist. Thank you for all your kind words about my students and their performance. Your accolades are so very appreciated, and it was our honor to show you how we do what we do. Thank you for your unending support of my instructor and friend, Grandmaster Rich Fescina. Without you and he, we would not be where we are today. Thank you for being a true human being, your personality and ability to share without the presence of ego is so very refreshing, and is something I constantly strive for in my own life. I was so very happy to have my students who could attend see someone in your venerable position not only on the mat, but really there with us, not above us. Thank you for the opportunity to let me show you some of the knowledge I have attained in the Kajukenbo system, and you have my word that I shall represent you and your family with all the honor and integrity I have always put forth in the past.

Thank you for the promotion, sir. I am honored to be a Fourth Degree Black Belt in Kingi’s Kajukenbo, and I look forward to either your next trip to the east coast, or my next trip to the west.

Thank you Grandmaster Rich Fescina for your unending support and your friendship. Words cannot explain what it means to me. Without you, sir, only God knows where I would be.

…and finally Thank you Sensei Walter Chan for joining your Cutting Edge Kempo family on the mat for this event, it was wonderful seeing you back on the mat with your brothers and sisters training the way training was meant to be done. Now don’t be a stranger.

And now for you all, the mantra of the life of all martial Artists, all students, instructors, and Grandmasters and Senior Grandmasters alike…

Get back on the mat.


Thank you for your votes!

Thank you to all those that voted for us, and helped us win for the second year in a row!

Best Local Martial Arts

Best Martial Arts, period.

That’s why we’ve been serving the community for so long. That’s why we’ll be here for so much longer. There is a reason why people drive past a hundred other Karate schools to take classes with us, if you haven’t yet, come in and find out for yourself. Although all training is good training (as long as you are actually getting what you need out of your lessons), if you want to learn how to survive if you need to, whether you are a child or adult we will see you here on the mat.

Take the first step today, come in and try a free class. See why law enforcement, military, personal bodyguards, security and peace officers as well as parents of school children seek us out, and stay. No contracts necessary.

Now get back on the mat…

Full gi season is almost upon us!

It’s that time of year…Starting October 1st all students are required to wear full gi (uniform) to class everyday. Please understand that although we understand that things happen and we know and love you all, if you show up without your gi top, we will ask you to come to class another day.

Gi top not clean?…Still in the wash?…Dog ate it?…Ninja’s invaded your hamper and hid it on you?…please come in another day. We offer classes six days a week for all age groups for many reasons, so if for any reason you show up without your full uniform you have several days to choose from!


Advanced Kajukenbo Seminar Featuring Grandmaster Rick Kingi




Kingi’s Kajukenbo

Great news! On Saturday October 7th, Grandmaster Rick Kingi will be doing a seminar teaching advanced Kajukenbo techniques. Don’t miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity to work with one of the old school practitioners.

 Space is limited so sign up now at the front desk, only $40.

Adults Green Belt and Above.

Kids 14+ Years Old Brown Belt and above.

The seminar will be held 4:00 pm on Sat Oct 7th @ Kempo Martial Arts of Levittown
74 Gardiners Ave Levittown 11756

***Please note that seminars are formal events and require FULL UNIFORM to attend, if you show up in a T shirt, you will be drawn and quartered and left for the hounds. Just kidding! (maybe) No really don’t forget your Gi. ***

Tournament practice class

Need one more class to get yourself ready for the tournament on Sunday?

This Saturday we will hold two extra classes for all those who need a little “brushing up”.

Saturday April 29th from 6:30 pm to 7:15 pm we we will be practicing forms and self defense (please bring your uke) and from 7:15 pm to 8:00 pm we will spar using tournament rules. There is no charge for this class, lets get ready to represent and…

…get back on the mat.

New Class Schedule for Adults Starting September 1!

We are so very happy that our already sizeable adult student population has grown so much! In order to provide for you the best training we have split the adult class Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings into beginner only and intermediate / advanced classes.

We are still offering you the same great deal, six days a week for all age groups and we even alternated the later night between groups to keep it fair for everyone!

The new class schedule, which starts September 1st, can be found by clicking here.

The kids schedule remains the same, only adults have changed on three days of the week.

I will update the schedule page in the upcoming weeks, but wanted to offer an advanced copy for those who like to plan ahead.