Tag Archives: Ronkonkoma

A little schedule change

There will be a very small schedule change taking effect this coming Friday.

As of Friday May 6th the Brown Belt Young Adult class will be combining with the Green Belt Young adult Class at 4:30 PM.

That will make the Beginner Adult start time 5:35 PM on Friday evening!

See you all on the mat!

Click here to read the full schedule,or download a printable version!

Tournament Competitor Picture Day!

Save the date!

Saturday March 26th @ 4:15 PM

All tournament competitors meet at the Dojo, and bring your medals and trophies, be in uniform and bring a camera and we will take an awesome group photo of all of our fantastic competitors together in one shot!

For everyone’s convenience please use a piece of masking tape and a marker and write your name in an inconspicuous area of your trophy (if it is not personalized already) so we may set the trophies up for the shot, and know who to give the trophies back to at the end of the photo shoot!

The photo shoot shouldn’t take any longer than a half an hour or so, please be punctual and I look forward to seeing you all there! Great job everyone!

2016 Kempo Tournament a great success for Cutting Edge Kempo

With 62 competitors in the 2016 Kempo Martial Arts Invitational tournament, all of our Cutting Edge Kempo students represented their Dojo well. Winning a trophy has nothing to do with competing in a martial arts tournament. It takes a lot of guts to perform in front of a large capacity crowd, in front of judges you are not familiar with, but the experience of meeting other martial artists and sharing your love of the arts is irreplaceable.

As your instructor I am proud of all of you, trophy or not. You all are winners for taking on the daunting task of training the way we do, in hopes of enhancing your life skills while getting in shape. Great job everyone!

Here are a few of the photos people have shared of the event, and I will post more as I get them.

Click any image to view full size.

More successful testing in February

After a grueling three hour mental and physical exam, our second set of intermediate and advanced students endured and all did a fine job. These kids have been training most of their lives at this point, some for almost ten years now and it really shows, even when they are put under pressure.

After the more advanced group, another group of beginners came in to do their very best, and much like their advanced brothers from earlier, they killed it! I see lots of potential in these beginning students, both young and ‘young at heart’.

Great job everyone, I am very proud to be your instructor.

Now get back on the mat.


We are proud to announce our College Scholarship Award!

We are so very happy to announce that we have rolled out our College scholarship program. This is something I myself have wanted to do for our students for such a long time now, and I am proud to be able to offer any help I can to our dedicated students as they embark on a new leg of their journey in life. Our Martial Arts training is so much more than punching and kicking, and those of you who have been part of the Kempo family for some time now understand that we work hand in hand with all our family members in any capacity to offer guidance in the Martial Arts, school work, peer interaction, bully prevention, home life and anywhere else the individual needs help or advice or even just a neutral listening ear to bounce thoughts and feelings off of, we are always here. It seems appropriate that we try to help those that have dedicated many years of their life to the Martial Arts as they move forward, in the hopes that what we have offered will assist them along the way. The respect of treating each other the way we wish to be treated, the discipline of doing the things we have to do and not giving in to the enormous amounts of peer pressure we are surrounded by and the self control to think before we speak and not to react emotionally even in the heat of the moment, as well as knowing no one is allowed to touch you without your express permission and the ability to neutralize anyone who breaks that rule are the qualities that make a Martial Artist.

What we do is not a sport. What we do is not an activity. What we do is who we are.

Now when you are preparing for college, we want to be there for you as well so be sure to check out the Cutting Edge Kempo Karate College Scholarship page by clicking here and get all the details you need to apply today.

Also, since we are rolling out our new scholarship program late in the year, we will be extending our application deadline date this year only to May 31st 2016.

Thank you all for your dedication and hard work in the Martial Arts and beyond!

We are open – be careful on the roads

So the roads don’t seem too bad out there, so classes are on for tonight. PLEASE BE CAREFUL!!!! Use common sense, exercise caution, leave plenty of time to get to class and DO NOT RUSH and by all means if you feel unsafe TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS and stay home, there will be plenty of other classes.

We are open

A hard earned congratulations!

Let’s give it up for our latest round of advanced practitioners! Many of the people on this last test have persevered for multiple years at their current ranks to attain the required skill level needed to be considered for their rank exam, and after a grueling three and a half hours of physical and mental mayhem, their hard work, dedication and perseverance paid off.

At Cutting Edge Kempo Karate we endeavor to never test an individual before they are at their personal best, and work hard with each and every student to help them on their journey to self improvement. There are some that do not agree with our methodology and believe that time in, no matter what the skill and dedication level, is enough for an individual to move forward and be awarded their ranks regardless of the level of understanding and/or the amount of self improvement that has occurred. We strive to create, guide and mold each and every student into the best student they can be as an individual, period. That kind of influence takes a different time-frame for each and every student who walks through our doors, and we are dedicated to bringing that same level of individual instruction and counseling to every one of our students, no matter what their age, ability level, disability or self improvement need they may have.

So to all of my dedicated and skilled young people who tested on Saturday I have one word to describe what you are to me;


Many of you spent more than two years at the rank of green belt and more than a few of you considered quitting along the way, mostly because of the difficulty level you faced at the intermediate/advanced level and the things that we expect from you. But you, my friends, did not quit. You learned how to face those things that many of your peers could never accept and you excelled. That makes you special, especially in today’s society. It is for that reason, as well as so many more reasons, that I am so very proud of you all. Wonderful job everyone.

Train strong, to remain strong.

Now get back on the mat.

Closed due to snow – 2/5/16

Stay home, and stay safe.

At Cutting Edge Kempo Karate your health and safety is our primary concern. With the road conditions as they are, we have decided it would be best to cancel classes for tonight, Friday February 2nd. Enjoy time together with the family and keep each other warm.

And don’t forget, while you have the extra time on your hands to practice! Don’t forget we have the Kempo Invitational tournament coming up in March!

The 2016 tournament applications are in!

The Karate Association of America’s 23rd annual Kempo invitational

Sunday March 13, 2016

Lindenhurst High School

300 Charles Street, Lindenhurst NY 11757

The applications are in! I would love to see all of my students, adults and kids alike, participate in the best tournament in town! Kempo practitioners only, no tricks and flips just straight forward martial arts!

Remember, the first person in each division to hand in their completed application is the last to compete! (That’s a good thing 😉 )

Adult Black Belt continuous sparring, which I have been told will be split by age and weight.

Grand Champion for all junior division first place form competitors!

Mini Junior Division

Beginners, don’t miss out on this division! A no stress introduction to the tournament environment, competitors are guaranteed to have me as their judge as the audience roars with approval for our youngest competitors. Mini Juniors will demonstrate their basics for the crowd, and then perform their favorite karate technique for the judges and audience. Everyone wins at their first tournament!

So get those applications in, and remember if you need some extra help to get those private lessons scheduled ahead of time, as they book up really fast around this time of year!

Kempo Tournie